Flu Season Preparing Yourself

Published Aug 2017

Melbourne and surrounding states are going through one of the worst flu seasons on record.  The Victorian government report week ending 13th Aug, states the number of laboratory confirmed influenza cases is 160% higher than at the same time in 2016.   In Melbourne pediatric viruses have lead to a 70% rise in adult pneumonia. 

Not only do we have people with the flu, we have people with conditions that come about post infection, such as pneumonia, bronchitis and those people effected by this with compromised immune systems.

Lowered immune resistance can also lead to further illness susceptibility.   The aftermath is a body and an immune system that has basically had a hammering!  :(

What can you do?

1.     Keep your fluids up - sip hot immune boosting drinks.  Include bone broths, organic chicken soup, miso & vegetable soup for vegetarians.  Include warm water with lemon and Manuka honey drink – see recipe below.

2.     Eat lightly to allow your body to reroute from digestion to fortification

3.     Ease your aches and pains – Take warm baths with magnesium chloride or Epsom salts.

4.     Most importantly REST REST REST & SLEEP - Take the day off before it really hits and be early to bed to keep your immune system functioning optimally.

5. Reduce Stress - excessive stress can decrease immune function and make you more susceptible to the flu.  Deep breathing, gentle yoga and meditation can help reduce stress in every day life.

Over the counter medications generally treat the symptoms of cold and virus.  Botanical medicines including including antivirals immune stimulating herbs as well as nutritional supplements help support the body's ability to implement its natural defenses.

How Can a Naturopath Help?

1.     Prescribe a personalised liquid herbal remedy – including antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting herbs to support your immune system.

2.     Support your gut– 70% of your immune system is located in the mucousal lining of your digestive system.

3.     Prescribe appropriate dietary advice and nutritional supplements which may include Vitamin D, C, A, Zinc.

The main goal is to work with the bodies defence system and enhance immunity rather than suppress symptoms with analgesics.

So the first step is early intervention to avoid getting sick.   As soon as you feel a tickle or sore throat, or your child comes home sick and you think “oh no here we all go again”.   Or for goodness sake, someone coughs on you on the way home!    Get in fast and book an appointment.  We have TGA approved herbal remedies to help support your immune system.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink For Cold and Flu:




 Christine Carley is a bachelor qualified naturopath, with a focus on women’s health and wellness. She passionately supports her clients with, fertility and IVF optimisation, menopause and hormonal health as well as gut health. She spent most of her early clinical practice working with people with chronic and complex autoimmune condition, whilst working in a clinic with cardiologist, psychologists, podiatrist and allied health professionals. She loves assisting those stress, anxiety, fatigue and sleep. She is a passionate health ambassador who takes a holistic, person centred approach to the wellness model of health.

Book an appointment or free online discovery call here: bookings here: LOVE THY HEALTH or call 0409027221

*National and International Telehealth available

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